
Calgary Board of Education

Calgary Board of Education schools have a full range of academic classes including different levels of English as a Second Language programming, interesting complementary classes (options), and extra-curricular activities to suit most interests! Depending on the level of English proficiency, international students can access the same regular academic courses (Math, Sciences, Social Studies, and English) as Canadian students. 

A wide variety of complementary courses are available. Some examples are Fine Arts (such as Choir, Jazz Band, Music, Dance, Art, Drama, etc.), Career and Technology Studies (such as Cosmetology, Welding, Pre-Engineering, Graphic Design, Construction, Auto body, Mechanics, etc.), and Languages (such as French and Spanish). There are too many to name them all! Please see the Schools section of our website for more details regarding our excellent schools and the courses and extra-curricular classes that they offer.

Program Established: 2002

Programs Offered: Full Year, 1 Semester

Specialized Programs: Advanced Placement, Performing and Visual Arts

Language(s) of Study: English

Total number of schools: 251

High schools for international students: 5

Total Students: 138,000

Total International Students: 400

International Students Accepted for Grades: K-12

Nearest Airport: Calgary International Airport

The Calgary Board of Education (CBE) is located in a  city of 1.64 million, next to the world famous Rocky Mountains.  Calgary is a friendly, clean, and safe city offering a high standard of living.

Calgary is a great place to live

  • Ranked as the third most livable city in the world for health care, infrastructure, culture and environment (Source: Economic Intelligence Unit, 2022).
  • Sunniest major city in the country with 2,300 hours of sunshine every year.
  • One of the most affordable cities in Canada to live in; only province in Canada without a sales tax.
  • Home of 1988 Winter Olympics

The Calgary Board of Education believes that being immersed in Canadian life and culture is one of the most enriching and positive experiences for our international students. CBE works with Canada Homestay Network (CHN) to place students into excellent host families in the City of Calgary (15 years of age and older). All families:

  • have had a thorough interview to determine suitability;
  • have had a home inspection;
  • have had references checked;
  • have passed a police record check;
  • are enthusiastic to receive international students
  • speak English in the home

Once students are matched with their new Canadian family, supervision and support are provided by CHN staff throughout their stay. Students are supported in schools and have access to homestay support 24/7 in the event of a problem or emergency. While living in Calgary, homestay students become a member of their Calgary family!

International students are encouraged to get involved in the many different extra-curricular activities and clubs that are available at our schools. From sports to the arts and everything in between, there is something for everyone. Extra-curricular activity participation is a great way to meet Canadian friends!

Entrance Dates: Grades K-9 September; Grades 10-12:  September or February (one-semester acceptance only)

Application Deadlines: Last Friday in April for a September start, last Friday in September for a February Start. 

Application Fee: $250

Full Year Tuition Fee: $13,500 

1 Semester Tuition Fee: $6,500 

Health Insurance: $550 (full year); $275 (one semester)

Homestay fee: $17,104 (full year); $9,604 (one semester) 

Note: homestay fees are for information only and should not be considered as a quote.  Please work with CHN directly to determine the exact fees.


  • Registration
  • orientation
  • homestay host allowance
  • custodianship registration
  • student monitoring
  • 24/7 emergency support
  • airport pick-up and return
  • Security deposit (refundable) 
  • For special dietary needs (e.g., gluten-free, celiac, vegetarian, vegan, high protein, halal, etc.), there will be an extra $2,000 charged for a full year and $1,000 for one semester.

All funds are in Canadian dollars




General Inquiries Email: internationalstudents@cbe.ab.ca

Website: cbeinternational.ca/

Mailing Address: 1221 – 8 Street SW

City: Calgary

Province: Alberta

Postal Code: T2R 0L4

Phone: 403-817-7711


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