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Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board'

For each accepted student, a Homestay Supervisor will arrange a placement with an approved Canadian family. The Homestay family provides the International Student with the following: A home that is inspected and approved by the Homestay Supervisor. Residence in a home in the community that provides the International Student with the security and care of life with a Canadian family. Accommodation and meals, seven days a week for the entire duration of the school year. Their own room with a suitable desk or table for study purposes. Reasonable access to all the home’s facilities including laundry facilities. Transportation to most appointments and the other supports usually available to a student living at home.

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Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board'

 The Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board is pleased to welcome the world to our wonderful city, named the “safest community” in Canada. Located in the Great Lakes region, Windsor is the southernmost city in Canada. We are central to a number of large metropolitan cities such as Toronto, Detroit, Chicago, Niagara Falls, all close enough to explore.  Windsor has everything that a big city offers, but with the comfort and safety of a smaller community.The Ontario educational system is among the best in the world; a reflection of high academic standards, highly trained teachers, and state-of-the-art schools.We offer specialized programs such as International Baccalaureate, STEM (science, technology, engineering and math), ESL (English as a Second language), Sports Academies, Computer Programming, Robotics and many more.Many of our international students receive Honors with Distinction for high academic grades and go on to receive academic scholarships for post-secondary.  Our graduation rate is 98% including alumni accepted to University of Windsor, Queens University, University of Waterloo, University of Toronto and Ryerson University.Our ultimate goal is to nurture the mind, body, and soul of our students and we look forward to having you study with us.All this combined with the fact that Windsor is one of the top ten smartest communities in the world and it is easy to see why Windsor is the place to be!

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York Region District School Board'

York Region District School Board is one of Ontario’s top ranking public school boards. Located in York Region, it is one of the five districts making up the Greater Toronto Area. International students from around the world can choose full-year academic programs (elementary or secondary), or short-term programs such as the Summer English Language Academy or WinterOutdoor World Camp. Some of the facilities available to students include:technology-enabled classroomsscience and computer labsgymnasiums and fitness rooms equipped with showersmodern librariescommunication, design and media arts labstheatre arts and music roomscafeteriasoutdoor sports fieldsonline resources

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Renfrew County District School Board'

The Renfrew County District School Board (RCDSB) is a mid-sized District with over 9,000 students. Our southern most schools are in Arnprior, less than an hour drive from downtown Ottawa, our nation’s capital. Our northern most school is in Deep River. We have seven secondary schools and 21 elementary schools.Putting children first is our number one priority. Our vision is to realize that every community has something to offer and can be a place for learners of all types to exercise their curiosity and creativity. We celebrate imagination and encourage students to be  engaged to explore and discover their own pathways to success.We believe that a variety of cultures and perspectives from outside our District can play an important part in the growing and learning of our students. As such, our District is happy to welcome students into Grades 9-12 and match them with safe and welcoming homestay placements through our partnership with MLI and YES Canada.Our staff is committed, passionate and focused on doing their part to create the conditions that will ensure our students are healthy, happy and successful in their personal and professional pursuits. Each school has a dedicated Guidance Counsellor and Student Success teacher who can offer ongoing support and academic counselling to our students. We offer a full range of academic and extra-curricular programs including Specialist High Skills Major programs in 13 sectors such as Hospitality and Tourism, Health and Wellness and Transportation. We aim to place our international students at schools which best match their academic goals and extra-curricular interests.

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Simcoe County District School Board'

 Nestled between Georgian Bay and Lake Simcoe, the Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) welcomes students from across the globe to participate in full-year, one-semester and short-term programs. The SCDSB is committed to ensuring that students reach their full potential and become responsible and contributing members of an ever-changing global society. The SCDSB focuses on providing quality programs which develop the skills of lifelong-learning in a safe, caring environment. Each of our 15 participating high schools has a dedicated Guidance Counsellor who offers ongoing support and academic counselling to our students throughout their stay. The SCDSB has a devoted team of English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers and instructors available to those students requiring language support. As well, all SCDSB high schools offer a variety of extracurricular activities.The SCDSB is proud to offer a variety of specialized programs including French Immersion and Specialist High Skill Majors in Arts and Culture, Business, Construction, Environment, Health and Wellness, Horticulture and Landscaping, Hospitality and Tourism, Information and Communications Technology, and Transportation. For more information on High Skills Majors, please visit www.myshsm.ca.

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Sudbury Catholic District School Board'

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board (SCDSB) has a reputation for providing the highest quality of education in line with Ontario Secondary School requirements. Our schools offer first-class secondary programs designed to prepare students for success at the post-secondary level and consistently outperform provincial averages in literacy and math assessments. Students receive exceptional math, science, social science, and language instruction in first-rate, innovative labs and school facilities. Specialized programs include: Advanced Placement, Reach Ahead, BEST, Specialist High-Skills Majors (Health & Wellness, Information Communication Technology, Business, Manufacturing, Transportation, Sports), Cooperative Education, French Immersion, and Arts & Drama.Founded on strong Catholic values, the SCDSB is committed to the principles of equity and inclusivity that enable each student to learn and grow to his or her full potential. Administrators, teachers, support staff, and students are dedicated to creating a safe and welcoming learning environment to help international students feel at home in our school communities. International student programs are individually tailored to meet student needs and interests. Our full-year, one-semester, short-term shadow experience, and summer camp program offerings allow international students to achieve a competitive academic advantage and develop English proficiency while shaping students to be the leaders of tomorrow!

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Thames Valley District School Board'

The Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB) provides a welcoming, fully inclusive and safe environment for all of our students and their families. With an emphasis on academic excellence, Thames Valley schools provide rich learning environments with innovative arts programs and student leadership opportunities. Located within two hours of Toronto – Canada’s largest city – and Detroit, U.S.A., TVDSB is one of Ontario’s largest public school boards, serving a 200-km region, including London and other vibrant cities. More than 80,000 students attend 130 elementary and 27 secondary schools where they are taught by award-winning teachers who deliver the highest quality of education. We’re within easy reach of many post-secondary, cultural and employment opportunities for our graduates.As a public education provider, TVDSB offers a full range of programs and services focused on student success. Thames Valley students have access to the latest technology resources and our graduates are consistently among the top entrants to university and college programs.The Settlement Workers in Schools program in London helps newcomer students and families get acquainted with schools and all the programs they have to offer: www.tvdsb.ca/swis.The Thames Valley learning community inspires innovation, embraces diversity, and celebrates achievements - a strong foundation for all students

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Toronto Catholic District School Board'

In the Toronto Catholic District School Board, we take great pride in serving the diverse needs of students and their families. In community with parents, local parishes and our educational staff, TCDSB schools offer safe and caring learning environments, which reflect Catholic tradition and values. We envision students who are formed in Catholic faith; apply Christian values to life's opportunities, challenges and choices; pursue academic excellence and strive to be the best they can be.At the heart of Catholic education is the person of Jesus. Faith development is integral to every part of Catholic education, as students are called to respect the dignity of all human persons in a caring community. We looked forward to welcoming new students into our vibrant Catholic system!

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Toronto District School Board'

As Canada's premier public educational system, the TDSB has 584 schools and over 246,000 students, making it the largest public school board in Canada and the 4th largest board in North America. Over 200 nationalities and 75 languages are represented in our schools - giving our students the greatest advantage to achieve intercultural awareness and to become effective global citizens. The TDSB welcomes international students from around the world. We take great pride in the academic excellence of our schools and students. The talented community of educators and support staff are dedicated to enriching the lives of our students and helping them achieve success. With over 40% of our graduates ranking as Ontario Scholars, more than 80% of the TDSB graduates go on to university or college.The TDSB has one of the most robust international student programs in Canada. Our dedicated staff, teachers and counsellors understand the needs of our international students and know that help and support adjusting to life in a new country are often required. Our staff speak a variety of languages and they are always willing to offer friendly guidance on academic and personal issues. Our schools offer a vast range of academic courses and extracurricular activities that are designed to meet the diverse interests of our international students from all over the world.

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Upper Canada District School Board'

 The program can range from full time English Enhancement Program to a full time Academic Credit Program all within a public high school in Eastern Ontario. Each student will be provided with a individualized placement plan. All new students will participate in an orientation program which covers many topics related to their upcoming school program and life in Canada. All students receive ongoing support and assistance in school and are assigned an experienced homestay coordinator to monitor the home life. Our caring and supportive school staff monitor each student’s academic pathway and progress and keep them on course to achieve their academic goals. We offer a range of optional services as part of the student assistance program (extra cost). We have also designated 10 high schools to provide enhanced English Language Support for those students who need the extra help. This includes a full time English as a Second Language (ESL) Instructor available during the entire school day and who monitors progress of international students in all their classes, an ESL credit course each semester and system program staff that work with all teachers to implement strategies for curriculum accommodations for our international students.

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Upper Grand District School Board'

The International Student Program of the Upper Grand District School Board (UGDSB) welcomes and provides our international students with the opportunity to study alongside Canadian students under the Ontario public education system.  Our 60+ elementary schools and 10 secondary schools offer exceptional academic programs for students at all grade levels. UGDSB schools are in traditional Canadian communities, where over 95% of residents speak English as their first language.Our region is rich in culture, architecture, parks, riverside and green spaces. Our Southwestern Ontario climate boasts four greatly varied and visually striking seasons: autumn, winter, spring and summer. Many outdoor and indoor recreational and leisure activities are available throughout the year.Our highly regarded academic institutions with state-of-the art equipment and facilities, our culturally-rich region, as well as our areas of high tech industry make the Upper Grand District School Board an amazing location for students to experience Ontario and Canada.

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Waterloo Catholic District School Board'

The Waterloo Catholic District School Board is offering a wide variety of education programs to international students. Virtually all programs offered to our day students are available to our international visa students. We are very proud of our reputation for excellence in education and innovation and our community’s reputation as a safe, clean, prosperous and multi-cultural environment to learn and live. As a Faith-based institution, we offer a wide variety of academic and co-curricular programs in our schools with a highly qualified, expert staff and we embrace international students within our school communities. Our goal is to offer quality, comprehensive, and individualized education plans that meet the needs of our international visa students – education plans that guide them to reach their potential, and that prepare them for both their post-secondary career paths and their role as global citizens. International visa student education plans will be established with a thorough assessment of each student’s academic and English language capacity and will consider both academic and social needs of individual students. Our school system has the capacity to offer programs with full English-Second-Language support, partial English-Second-Language support and total immersion. In addition to our five Secondary schools, mature students can achieve their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) credits, including English-Second-Language credits at Saint Louis, our Adult Learning Centres. Students that achieve their OSSD through Saint Louis are well prepared to apply to any English-speaking university or college.Our school board has a formal relationship with post-Secondary institutions, including the University of Waterloo, St. Jerome’s University, Wilfrid Laurier University and Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning. Our successful international students have preferred admission status at all these universities and the college.Our Secondary schools offer the highest quality cooperative education credit courses in Canada and these courses are available to international visa students. Students can explore business or industry careers or take credit courses at the post-Secondary institutes. The result is Secondary school credits toward a Secondary School Diploma and an all-important letter of reference for students that will apply to universities or colleges.

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Ottawa-Carleton District School Board'

OCDSB schools provide instruction from Kindergarten to grade 12. Secondary schools offer courses of varying levels of difficulty designed to prepare the student for university, college or the workplace. Students requiring extra English instruction will benefit from the school board's integration of English as a Second Language (ESL) programming within the regular secondary school curriculum. Students have a wide selection of courses from which to choose and are encouraged to take courses that will prepare them for postsecondary studies. OCDSB secondary schools offer courses in a variety of subjects, including computer studies, business, biology, physics, geography, economics, international languages, music, physical and health education, calculus, accounting, algebra, law and more. Students who are not confident in their English ability are able to study English intensively and acculturate before starting school at the Young People's Language School of Canada (YPLS). In association with the international student program, YPLS offers students English for Academic Purposes and introduces the organizational and social skills that give them a foundation to help them better adjust and succeed at a high school or university in Canada.Program OptionsGraduation with an Ontario Secondary School diploma (OSSD)Academic/Cultural experience for one or two semestersElementary School Credit ESL courses Intensive ESL study- Young People’s Language SchoolUniversity and College PreparationInternational BaccalaureateAdvanced PlacementSummer programsGroup programsTOEFL IBT

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Durham Catholic District School Board'

At the Durham Catholic District School Board, we share a sense of community with families, staff and parishes. Guided by the teachings of Jesus and committed to Excellence, Equity and New Evangelization, we teach in schools throughout Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering, Uxbridge, Scugog and Brock. We offer a range of programs and services to meet the needs of all students. We invite you to learn more about our communities by checking out our website or visiting our schools.With our amazing teachers, we teach students in 46 schools throughout Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering, Uxbridge, Scugog and Brock, serving approximately 21,150 elementary and secondary students. Our diverse and multicultural school board is attracting students from around the world.

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Ottawa Catholic School Board'

The Ottawa Catholic School Board (OCSB) offers international students the opportunity to study in a welcoming and diverse school community rooted in faith and values. We offer English as a Second Language (ESL) in all elementary (K-6) and intermediate schools (7-8) and have 5 secondary schools that offer ESL credit courses. We offer unique programs such as Focus Programs, Specialist High Skills Majors [ocsb.ca/shsm], and e-learning courses [ocsb.ca/elearning]. The OCSB takes an innovative approach to incorporating technology into our students’ learning journey. Our Board was selected by the Canadian Education Association as the winning district to be an example for other Canadian school districts on digital transformation within education. Recently one of our Elementary Schools was awarded first place in the National “Classroom of the Future” Challenge based on innovative teaching and learning practices using technology.

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Greater Essex County District School Board'

The Greater Essex County District School Board invites students from around the world to experience life and learning in vibrant Windsor, Ontario, Canada.Located on the Canada-US border at the most southern tip of Canada in the heart of the Great Lakes region, the GECDSB is the largest K-12 public school district in the region. We have International Students from 20 countries at 13 secondary schools and 55 elementary schools in 9 urban, suburban and rural municipalities. Students are welcome to study in our short-term and long-term programs, ranging from 4 weeks to a multi-year pathway leading to the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. We work with our trusted partners at MLI Homestay to provide students with safe, caring host families that enrich their study-abroad experience.International Students are accepted at all levels of English language proficiency. We accommodate students in four English as a Second Language programs in small, sheltered classes featuring intensive English language instruction.  We offer the IB Diploma Programme and Primary Years Programme, a dedicated Centre for Creative Arts, and many technical programs that complement the local engineering, automotive and manufacturing sectors.Windsor-Essex is a beautiful, diverse and friendly region with a long history of welcoming newcomers from around the world to our classrooms. We look forward to welcoming your students in Windsor-Essex!

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Peel District School Board'

It's where the world comes to learn.At the Peel District School Board, we are committed to inspire the smile within each child. Everything we do is designed to help each child achieve to the best of his or her ability. Our collective, daily efforts make a positive difference in the lives of our students, their families and the world. The Peel board serves more than 153,000 kindergarten to grade 12 students in 244 schools throughout Brampton, Caledon and Mississauga.The Peel board has been welcoming international students for more than nine years. Recently, the Peel Academy for International Students was established to enhance the level of support available to international students studying in the Greater Toronto Area.Key features of the academy include:partnerships with University of Toronto Mississauga and Sheridan Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning to introduce students to the options available after high school and ensure motivated international students are prepared for post-secondary studies and successorientation and peer-mentoring programs designed to introduce and integrate international students with their Canadian peerssuperior English language programs custom-designed to help motivated international students acquire academic-level Englishextracurricular activities that provide additional opportunities for international students to socialize with Canadian students to build cross-cultural understanding and further language developmentReceive a world-class education:Canada is recognized around the globe as a leader in educational excellence. Our students rank among the best in the world when it comes to standard test results, reading, math and science. The OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment in 2009 ranked Ontario, Canada students among the top 10 readers in the world. In another international study, Ontario's education system was ranked as one of the best in the world.Vision for 21st Century Learning and Technology:At the Peel Academy for International Students, teachers often incorporate digital resources into their lessons. Through the school's free Wi-Fi, students can access web-based content, resources, experts, research and collaboration tools to further their education and prepare for a technology-driven world. Improve your English proficiency:Students will be integrated with Canadian students and will take most classes with Canadian students. This allows international students to practice their spoken and written English on a daily basis. They will also spend a portion of their day with other international students and a teacher trained to help international students learn academic-level English. Prepare for post-secondary studies--in Canada and beyond:Students who attend the Peel Academy for International Students can earn an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), which is recognized internationally. Students can take academic or applied level courses to prepare for college or university.The academy's partnerships with the University of Toronto Mississauga and the Sheridan Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning helps students prepare for their post-secondary studies, whether they decide to stay in Canada or continue their education elsewhere.Commitment to student success:The province's Student Success Strategy helps students in grades 7 to 12 tailor their education to their individual strengths, goals and interests. Part of this strategy involves small class sizes so students can continue to get the attention they need to succeed. Experience a vibrant and diverse cultureCanada has a vibrant cultural environment and celebrates diversity. This encourages cultural immersion and exchange, shaping international students into cultural ambassadors with a greater understanding of the world.

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Halton Catholic District School Board'

Today, Ontario’s publicly funded Catholic education system consistently produces high levels of student achievement. Further, graduates are taught the virtues and values of the Catholic faith – including community, responsibility, accountability, collaboration, caring and family – making them not just good students, but good citizens. The Halton Catholic District School Board is a model learning community that provides exceptional educational experiences and services to over 36,000 students of all ages. God’s call to love and to serve is nurtured in staff and students in 61 school sites serving the communities of Burlington, Halton Hills, Milton and Oakville. As a provincial leader in student achievement in literacy and numeracy, as well as Special Education, the Board is an exciting and dynamic place to learn, work and grow. Our School Board offers programs and services from Junior Grade 1 to Grade 12 and through to Continuing Education Services at campuses in Burlington, Milton and Oakville to students of all ages. We welcome International Students to our School Board to experience everything we have to offer on an academic and extracurricular basis. At the Halton Catholic District School Board, we believe every student has the right to an education, which will foster spiritual, intellectual, physical, emotional and social growth. It is our goal to ensure that all students achieve success, and are able to fully realize their God-given potential.  

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Halton District School Board'

The Halton District School Board includes the municipalities of Burlington, Halton Hills, Milton and Oakville in southern Ontario. The board has a growing population of 64,000 students our 90 elementary schools and 18 high schools offer a curriculum of academic and elective subjects. Math, Sciences, English, Social Studies, History and a choice of foreign languages including French, German and Spanish are standard academic courses. Elective course – Business Education which includes Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Marketing; Computer Science which includes Computer Animation, Web Design, Robotics; Drama, Art, Music, Home Economics and Technical education are offered. We have schools that also offer the IB Program (International Baccalaureate Program). Historic buildings combined with state-of-the art equipment and facilities provide excellent learning environments for students.

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Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board'

The HWDSB welcomes international students to study at its 13 high schools (Grades 9 – 12) and 80 elementary schools (Grades 1 – 8). HWDSB teachers and staff are committed to helping every one of its students reach his or her full potential. In addition to standard Ontario elementary and secondary curriculum, the HWDSB is proud to offer the following specialized programs to international students:ESL Programs: from beginner to advanced levels, with special congregated subjects in Business, Arts, History, Science, Drama and Geography.International Baccalaureate Program (IB): students gain university transfer credits and qualify for special university entrance scholarship opportunities.Business Programs: Accounting, Business Management, Web Design, Sports and Entertainment Marketing.Arts Programs: Media/Interior Design, Fashion Design, Animation, Photography, Pottery, Film Making. Aviation and Aerospace: students start learning to become a commercial pilot, cargo attendant and aerospace engineer through this pioneer program in Ontario. Robotics: students design and build competitive robots, compete in international robotic competitions and network with industry professionals.Cooperative Programs: students gain hands on experience and learn Canadian cultures faster! There are many more specialized programs that international students can choose to study. For more information, please visit our website: https://www.hwdsb.on.ca/secondary/programs/all/ 

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Avon Maitland District School Board'

Located in one of the most popular regions in Canada, the Avon Maitland District School Board is situated in Southwestern Ontario. Only a 90-minute drive from Toronto and Niagara Falls, our District borders Lake Huron in the west with beautiful beaches and fabulous sunsets and stretches to the east where urban comforts unite a rural environment with many thriving communities can be found.Avon Maitland Schools are home to a vibrant and diversified international student program which provides a superior Ontario education opportunity and English as a Second Language (ESL) support to all international students in all 8 of the District’s Public High Schools. With 3 key priorities: i AM well, i AM prepared, and i AM engaged, we want our students to feel a sense of belonging and well-being, as well as preparing them for life beyond high school.We are recognized for our high academic standards and superior programs in music, drama, technology, robotics and computer technology, math, and science. Extra-curricular activities, a significant part of student life, include spirited athletics in major sports, clubs, band, and drama productions.We have been honoured to welcome students from over 50 countries including Austria, Brazil, Colombia, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Spain, South Korea, Switzerland, Thailand, Viet Nam and many more. We proudly offer a unique homestay program which allows students to be immersed in our communities where they enjoy a customized local cultural experience. We welcome our students “Come for the Education, Stay for the Experience”.

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Hastings & Prince Edward District School Board'

Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board (HPE) is proud to be celebrating our 25th year of welcoming students from around the globe to participate in our International Student Program!Our core purpose is to provide an exceptional cultural and educational experience for our international students in a highly supportive environment. Our In-house Homestay Program provides the best possible match for students and homestays with regular monitoring.We provide a world class education system with highly trained teachers and exceptional learning facilities, as well as a full range of program & activities to meet the interest of every student.

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Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario'

The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario International Education Program (CDSBEO) offers global views and perspectives that enhance the education of students who have chosen to explore cultures and languages through education abroad. The International Student Program allows students from around the world to study and learn alongside Canadian students of the same age. The program encourages cultural awareness and international understanding by bringing students together and enabling them to experience similar social and academic opportunities.International students can choose between multiple schools and are assisted in finding the best match for their educational needs and other interests. Students may attend for a short term of 3, 5 or 10 months, with an emphasis on English language acquisition and cultural experience, or they may participate in the program for more than one year, and work toward attaining an Ontario Secondary School Diploma.In addition to standard Ontario secondary curriculum, CDSBEO is proud to offer the following specialized courses to international students:English as a Second Language courses.Business courses: International Business, Accounting, MarketingSTEM courses – Computer Science, Robotics, Science, Math and Communications TechnologyArts Programs: Musical Theatre, Vocal Music, Band, Guitar, Drama, Digital Art, Dance, Indigenous Art, Animation, Decorative Arts, Photography, Pottery.Experiential courses: Construction, Transportation, Hospitality and Tourism, Health Care, Hairstyling, Outdoor Education, Half-Marathon.Extracurricular Athletics Programs: Enjoy competitive and rewarding athletics programs after school such as basketball, volleyball, soccer, rugby, hockey, badminton, downhill skiing and tennis.

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Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board'

The abundant lakes and forests, that serve as the backdrop for our communities provide KPR students with a living classroom for ecological and nature studies literally ‘in their back yard.’ Throughout all seasons, our students have available to them a host of leisure activities, such as skiing, kayaking, hiking, horseback riding, golfing and fishing.Uniquely located in the natural heart of the Kawartha Lakes District in southern Ontario, the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board (KPR) is a progressive, forward-thinking educational community dedicated to student excellence.

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CECCE – Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est'

 With nearly 27,000 students attending 46 elementary schools, 14 secondary schools, a Virtual Learning Academy (AAV), an adult school and some 3,000 professionals serving students, the CECCE is the largest Canadian network of French-language schools outside Quebec.The CECCE stands out at the provincial level in particular by:Recognition as a leader in education in Canada;The best results in the province on the EQAO provincial testsA graduation rate of 96%;A high parental satisfaction rate (94%);Sustained growth in its workforce;The offering of English courses from the 4th year in order to achieve high-level sustainable bilingualism;The offer of English courses from grade 9, identical to those offered by other French- and English-speaking school boards.Allows students to access all post-secondary programs in the language of their choice before entering the job market by mastering Canada's two official languages French and English.

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Lakehead District School Board'

Lakehead Public Schools (LPS) located in Thunder Bay, is the largest public board in Northwestern Ontario. LPS aims to educate, encourage, and support students to develop a passion for learning, set high personal standards, and become active community members.All schools offer access to modern technology and innovative education. The small class sizes are conducive to learning and provide students the ability to quickly develop relationships with peers and staff.  Students can choose a path that best suits their needs, ranging from developing English language skills to obtaining an Ontario Secondary Diploma and pursuing post-secondary education anywhere in Canada. Thunder Bay has two post-secondary institutions; Confederation College and Lakehead University (LU), and is home to the Northern Ontario School of Medicine and LU’s Faculty of Law.Thunder Bay is the largest community on the shores of the world’s largest fresh water lake, Lake Superior. International students are fully immersed into an authentic Canadian, multi-cultural and English-speaking setting guiding them to their full potential. The city offers a safe, welcoming and friendly close-knit community. With an intrinsic connection to the outdoor environment and vibrant urban life, the city of Thunder Bay together with LPS, strives to provide a fun and memorable experience for every student.

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Conseil des écoles publiques de l’est de l’ontario'

The Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario is located in Canada’s secure, beautiful and bilingual capital: Ottawa. Our classes are taught in French while many activities and services in the region are in French and in English. Our students receive a certificate of bilingualism along with the Ontario Secondary School Diploma which is recognized worldwide.For you, it means that after one year with us, you’ll have significantly improved your skills in French and English, two of the most frequently used languages in the world. Imagine the wealth of opportunities…Our teachers and our dedicated well-being officer are available to help you in your new environment, succeed in your studies, make new friends and participate in enriching activities to make your experience unforgettable.A large variety of programs are open for international students (conditions apply):Sports-Studies Program: football (soccer), track and field, basketball, volleyball, golf, ice hockey, skiing, dance, tennis, individual sports, skating, swimming and more!;Arts Program: visual and media arts, dance (ballet and contemporary), writing, music (instrumental and vocal), theatre, cinema and television;International Baccalaureate Program (IB) ®;Health Program;Environmental Program;Preparatory Program;Specialist High Skills Major: arts and culture, transportation, sports, business, health and wellness, environment and nature.During the school year, you will enjoy the security and care of a Canadian family selected by our partners, the Canada Homestay Network (CHN) and Canadian Accommodation Services (CAS).Continuing your studies with us is a guarantee for a rewarding experience. Come to one of our schools to get a short-term experience or to obtain a globally recognized diploma that will help open the doors to many universities!

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Lambton Kent District School Board'

The Lambton Kent District School Board is funded and regulated by the Government of Ontario providing students with qualified and certified teachers in all grades and at all levels. Our District has a reputation for providing comprehensive, high quality and innovative full time academic programs to international students from around the world in a safe and welcoming environment. Students enrolling in our District will be fully integrated with age appropriate Canadian students in traditional classroom environments that feature high quality science labs, specialty rooms such as computer labs, art rooms, drama rooms, music rooms and well-equipped gymnasiums. In additional to a having access to a wide array of compulsory and elective academic courses, students will, when necessary, receive instruction and support in state of the art ESL classes using the latest technology available. With 99+% of our student population native English speakers, we are ideally suited to provide visiting students with total immersion in English in our schools, in our community and with their home stay families. This environment is clearly beneficial to students hoping to acquire the language skills necessary to enhance their prospect of accessing the best colleges and universities in Canada and across North America. 

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District School Board of Niagara'

You are invited to study at the District School Board of Niagara (DSBN) located in the heart of the world-famous Niagara Falls area in Canada! At the DSBN, our motto is, “Achieving Success Together.” At the secondary school level, international students are well-prepared academically to enter reputable Universities and Colleges in Ontario, throughout Canada, and around the world. In addition to academics, DSBN is known for specialized arts and technology programs and is a world champion in Robotics.Continuing your English language development is enhanced through our extensive ESL support provided at selected school sites and will occur naturally as you will be immersed in classrooms that have a high percentage of native-English speaking students.Niagara’s climate is more moderate than in some other parts of Ontario and is located about one hour from Toronto offering many cultural, educational, tourist, and shopping venues. The Niagara Region, with its population of 500,000 spread over 12 communities, will offer you a safe and more stress-free environment in which to live, study, and have fun.Families in Niagara are eager to provide the care and support that you will need as you adjust to a new culture. Host families are well-screened and are supervised by a professional homestay organization in the area.

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Niagara Catholic District School Board'

Located in the beautiful region of Niagara Falls, Ontario, the Niagara Catholic District School Board is a leader in the delivery of Canadian and international education to primary, secondary and adult students alike. With 48 elementary schools, 8 high schools and 4 adult education centres, Niagara Catholic is proud to offer a variety of programs and services to our international students from across the Globe. Programs include the following:One or two semesters in High School or Elementary SchoolGraduation with an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)University preparation coursesAdvance Placement courses (AP)Four-month short-stay experience in High SchoolSpecialized High Skills Major Program (very hands on courses)School Integration Experience for groups (2 – 6 weeks)Winter or Summer English Group CampsESL credit in all High SchoolsESL support in all Elementary SchoolsAdult ESL classesTESL CertificationHomestay Accommodation and Custodianship services

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Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board'

 The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board is Ontario’s second largest publicly funded Catholic school system and is located on the shores of Lake Ontario on the western border of Toronto, Canada’s largest city. With 123 elementary and 26 secondary schools, throughout Mississauga, Brampton, Caledon and Orangeville, we serve over 85,000 students in the urban, sub-urban, and rural communities within our area. With Toronto - Pearson International Airport also located within our boundaries, students and parents have quick access to direct flights to over 180 destinations in 60 countries. As well, our central location is within an easy commute to 16 major universities and colleges. Dufferin-Peel Catholic schools have ranked amongst the highest in Canada, with outstanding scores on provincial and international assessments. We offer exceptional globally recognized programs including International Baccalaureate (IB) and Advanced Placement (AP). We believe that our international students should have the opportunity to become fully participating members in our welcoming and inclusive communities to allow for a fully immersed Canadian learning experience. Upon acceptance, international students may attend the school closest to their home. Each of our 149 schools has ESL and newcomer supports to help each student transition to life in Canada, no matter what level of English competency they have when they arrive. With students from over 150 countries, we are prepared to meet the needs of all English learners.

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