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Upper Canada District School Board'

 The program can range from full time English Enhancement Program to a full time Academic Credit Program all within a public high school in Eastern Ontario. Each student will be provided with a individualized placement plan. All new students will participate in an orientation program which covers many topics related to their upcoming school program and life in Canada. All students receive ongoing support and assistance in school and are assigned an experienced homestay coordinator to monitor the home life. Our caring and supportive school staff monitor each student’s academic pathway and progress and keep them on course to achieve their academic goals. We offer a range of optional services as part of the student assistance program (extra cost). We have also designated 10 high schools to provide enhanced English Language Support for those students who need the extra help. This includes a full time English as a Second Language (ESL) Instructor available during the entire school day and who monitors progress of international students in all their classes, an ESL credit course each semester and system program staff that work with all teachers to implement strategies for curriculum accommodations for our international students.

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